
Friday, September 14, 2012

Disable hybernation and delete hyberfil.sys on multiple remote computers

Create a folder on the root of your C: drive.  I named miune Cleanup_Hyberfil.  In that folder put, Psexec.exe, Psinfo.exe and a txt file name COMPUTERS.TXT that has the computers you want to target.  Make a batch file in the same folder with the following content:

PSEXEC @COMPUTERS.TXT -u domain\username -p {password} -d -e -h %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\NET.EXE user Administrator {password}

psinfo -d Free @COMPUTERS.TXT -u localhost\Administrator -p {password}

psexec @COMPUTERS.TXT -u Administrator -p {password} %windir%\system32\powercfg /H OFF

psinfo -d Free @COMPUTERS.TXT -u localhost\Administrator -p {password}


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